Baltimore County Organizing A Celebration To Honor Michael Phelps
BALTIMORE (WJZ)-- Honoring the most decorated Olympian of all time. Towson native Michael Phelps hasn't even left the London games yet but Baltimore County leaders are already making plans to welcome him home, gold medal style.
Kai Jackson has more on the celebrations fans want to see.
How do you congratulate the guy who has won more Olympic medals than anyone else? Marylanders shared a few ideas with us.
Baltimore County native Michael Phelps is now in a class by himself. With 22 medals, 18 of them gold, he's the most decorated athlete in Olympics history.
"None of this would be even close to possible without the help from each and every one of you," Phelps said.
Michael Phelps has already had the street next to his high school alma mater named after him but Marylanders and other Phelps fans say considering his latest Olympic achievement, there has to be another big way to honor him.
"The guy is amazing. I think we should have a parade, have a big celebration for him," said Harry Walker.
Now supporters want to ratchet up the excitement for the swimming champion when he returns to Maryland.
The Phelps street sign was revealed in 2004. In 2008 after the Beijing Olympics, there were fireworks and a parade for Phelps.
"We now have to do something to top that in recognition of him topping everything," said Baltimore County Executive Kevin Kamenetz.
"He's now the all-time leader so he deserves a bit more. I think a statue is a nice idea," said Li-Wen Kang.
"He deserves all honors, like the Orioles if they win the World Series," said Mustapha Snoussi.
Some people told Eyewitness News they believe Phelps deserves a statue like the late Maryland Governor and Baltimore Mayor William Donald Schaefer.
"There's no better place to be than right here in Baltimore," Phelps has said.
Baltimore County leaders announced a special committee is working with the Towson Chamber of Commerce to plan the celebration for Michael Phelps.