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Anne Arundel County pushes vote again on plastic bag ban

Anne Arundel County again pushes vote on plastic bag ban
Anne Arundel County again pushes vote on plastic bag ban 01:39

BALTIMORE -- Plastic bans could soon be banned in Anne Arundel County, following a trend in neighboring counties. 

Residents will have to wait for a bit longer to find out if they could soon be the latest to place a ban on stores giving plastic bags to shoppers.

This comes after council members deferred a decision two weeks ago.

Anne Arundel County Council members once again pushed that timeline back, and say they will decide on a plastic bag ban later next month.

The "Ban the Bag" act would prohibit free plastic bags at most stores, with paper bags available for 10 cents. 

Supporters of this bill say the goal is to move people towards bringing their own bags to stores and encourage change in shopping behaviors.

At last night's meeting-an exemption was added for restaurants. Businesses will also be required to post signs about the policy and encourage reusable bags.

Similar bans are already on the books in Baltimore city, Baltimore and Howard counties.

If approved, the new policy would take effect October 1.

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