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Anne Arundel County Police Host 2021 Annual Youth Police Academy

(WJZ) -- This week, the Anne Arundel County Police Department hosted their annual youth police academy.

About 30 kids are on a week-long adventure with the department. The participants see firsthand what it takes for each officer to do their job.

"It's an opportunity for us to interact with the youth," said Captain Ryan Frashure. "We get to show them different aspects of the police department."

Aspects like their aviation unit. The kids got to check out a helicopter the department hasn't even had for a month.

"You get to see, like, everything," said Kaleigh Jezierski. "Like the materials and what they use, and the speakers and the lights and the cameras."

"That's my camera," said Cpl. Scott Pederson, showing the kids gadgets on the helicopter. "I have a daylight camera, I have a nighttime camera, and I have an infrared camera!"

"My favorite thing I saw today was the K9 dogs, how they interact and listen to their owner," said Jezierski.

The department hopes the experience will inspire some to perhaps one day join the police force themselves


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