Anne Arundel Adds COVID-19 Vaccination Clinics For AACPS Students Age 16+
ANNAPOLIS (WJZ) — Anne Arundel County is expanding its vaccination clinic access, County Executive Steuart Pittman announced Tuesday.
Anne Arundel County Department of Health and Anne Arundel County Public Schools will hold vaccination clinics for students ages 16 and older who go to school in the system.
The clinics will be held at 12 high schools in May, using the Pfizer vaccine. The sites are open to any eligible AACPS student and employee.
Pittman added parents and guardians will get information from the school system to register students.
"Partnerships like this are critical in helping increase our vaccination rate. By making vaccinations easily available for our students, the Department of Health and AACPS are helping remove a critical barrier to access, while encouraging our youth to get vaccinated as soon as possible," Pittman said later Tuesday.
The county said it also plans to continue expanding clinics to schools, libraries, and shopping centers. All of the clinics will be walk-in clinics at all hours as of Monday, health officials said.
For the latest information on coronavirus go to the Maryland Health Department's website or call 211. You can find all of WJZ's coverage on coronavirus in Maryland here.