A Unique Bus Stop In Baltimore Becomes An Artistic Attraction
BALTIMORE (WJZ)-- It's not yet reached the level of the ice bucket challenge, but as Mike Schuh reports, people the world over are seeing Baltimore's new twist on an old idea.
It is helpful if you know the phrase, "Urban Furniture." Urban furniture is a park bench, a trash can, a bus stop--the stuff in a city that is frankly visible.
But, a mile east of downtown, invisible is not part of Highlandtown's developing DNA. It has distinguished itself with streets filled with art.
At the coffee shop across from the Creative Alliance, Steven Miller noticed the artwork.
"We came back the next day and it was done and since then you have a lot of people coming to take pictures of it; it's become a major piece of art," said Miller, of Highgrounds Coffee Shop.
The Alliance wasn't happy with it's tired bus bench. So a group of Spanish and Baltimore artists delivered.
But it's your typical street art. People can stand in, lounge in, and wait for the bus. It's a bus stop.
"It's being used in ways we didn't think it would be used. I think the simple ideas are the ones you never think of but are so obvious," said Gina Carouso, Creative Alliance.
"We've gotten a lot of national attention and that has actually surprised me," Carouso said.
From his view, Miller understands the draw.
"This one, this one welcomes you to it and you want to take the picture when you're on it," Miller said.
Once again, Baltimore is unique.
"No, not like this. There is no other bus stop in the world. This is the bus stop," Miller said.
The total cost of the artwork was $40,000.
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