Crime rate in Wylie increases to pre-pandemic levels

Your Wednesday Morning Headlines, February 22nd, 2023
Your Wednesday Morning Headlines, February 22nd, 2023

Wylie, Texas (CBSDFW.COM) – Cities throughout Texas are returning to more normal patterns of life as people emerge from the coronavirus pandemic. And with that return, comes more crime, according to the Wylie Police Department.

The department reports that following three straight years of decline, the crime rate in the city has returned to its 2019 Pre-COVID level. They attribute the 23% increase to a 75% increase in assaults. The department added that most of those calls were related to family violence. 

"Unfortunately, we are seeing a large uptick in calls related to family disturbances in the home," said Chief Anthony Henderson. "The department continues to focus resources for victims of family and domestic violence and the prevention of this inexcusable crime." 

Wylie also experienced a 19% increase in the number of motor vehicle accidents over 2021 figures. 

"Not only did Wylie grow by 3% over the last year, but cities around us, especially to the North are booming, bringing more traffic through Wylie," said Henderson. "We are also seeing more vehicles and trucks on the road following a decrease in traffic during COVID." 

In a news release, the department said they're "well aware that the statistics are meaningless to those who had the misfortune of becoming a victim of a crime."

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