With 1 full day left, last-minute shoppers rush to get Christmas gifts

Winter weather might delay your Christmas gift deliveries
Winter weather might delay your Christmas gift deliveries

NORTH TEXAS (CBSDFW.COM) – If you're hoping to ship a last-minute gift via FedEx or UPS, you may be out of luck. 

Both companies say there are no guarantees deliveries will made on time for Christmas due to winter weather delays. 

With just one more full shopping day left, some North Texans are rushing to get everything done.   

Today, Catherine Wall maneuverd her way through several stores with a large shopping bag on wheels. She said most of the gifts she ordered online unfortunately have not arrived. 

"I'm having to rush over the last three to four days to get things for everybody and move around, so it's been intense," she said. 

Other North Texans said they found themselves in similar situations. 

"We just had a few items not show up last minute and they're not going to arrive until after Christmas, so we decided to come early today to try and find some gifts that make up for that," Julie Loughborough said. 

"Here at Renew Beauty Med Spa & Wellness in NorthPark Center we've seen a lot of male shoppers coming in buying those stocking stuffers and little gifts," manager Ashley Wessel said. "The popular items have been pajamas, candles, anything for the spa bath and gift cards."

Kids were also doing some last minute shopping. 

"I'm shopping for my mom," Megan Underwood said. "She likes yoga and we're going to get her some skin care." 

Underwood said she is thankful to be shopping indoors today away from the bitter cold temperatures. 

"Even though we had a cold front come through it definitely hasn't kept people away from the mall," Wessel said. 

"It puts you in the holiday spirit too, you know," Wall said. "The more rubbing around with people.. if you can keep a good positive attitude it's sort of fun and you can people watch and there's been dogs out here and it's just a lot of fun!" 

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