Vandals Leave "Offensive" Messages On Plano Homes

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PLANO (CBSDFW.COM) - Vandals have left several Plano homeowners with costly repairs along with questions about a motive behind the messages.

The Plano police issued a crime watch bulletin for neighborhoods near Parker Road and Custer Road after reports of graffiti on homes.

Danny Hansard was pulling out of his driveway when he noticed the words "Death to the higher cla$$" spray painted on his garage door.

"I didn't take it as a threat," he said. "I take it as someone who may have some hate for people."

Hansard said at first he wasn't going to report the incident to police, but then he started hearing about other neighbors whose homes were also hit by similar vandalism.

On the back of Fred Wilkinson's home was spray painted "ritard wuz here" along with an obscenity in what appears to be the same red paint.

"It certainly makes you feel violated," he said. "If they'll come into your yard and do that, then what else will they come in your yard and do."

What may have seemed to be an isolated prank at first, neighbors said the more they learned the more serious and widespread it's become.

The Plano Police Department is asking neighbors to check their security cameras for any video of a potential suspect or suspects and to not hesitate to call if they notice anyone that appears to be suspicious.

(©2015 CBS Local Media, a division of CBS Radio Inc. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.)

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