Trending: Vin Diesel Dance Party, Dying Father Fulfills Wish, VW Super Bowl Ad


Vin Diesel hosts a one man dance party and then shares it with the world.

The Fast and Furious star posted this video to his Facebook page this morning for all his 63 million followers to see.

In the seven-minute video, we see diesel dancing to Katy Perry's "Dark Horse and Beyonce's "Drunk in Love.

He stops a couple times to talk to the camera -- but mostly it's Diesel dancing and sometimes singing to the music.

It instantly blew up on social media.

Some people loved it. Others wondered if he himself was drunk in love.

60 thousand of his Facebook friends have commented since this morning.

Click here to watch the video from Diesel's Facebook page.


A father keeps a promise to his teenage daughter, and it's catching a lot of attention online.

Garth Callaghan doesn't have much longer to live.  He's dying of cancer -- and one thing he's determined to do is write on as many napkins as he can.

He has been leaving these little love notes in his daughter's lunch box since she was in second grade.

She's now 13 -- and he has vowed to write enough notes so she will have one everyday until she graduates from high school.

He uses famous quotes -- like this one from Benjamin Franklin -- "Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing."

He also makes up his own like this one:  "Dear Emma, sometimes when I need a miracle, I look into your eyes and realize I've already created one. Love, Dad."

Garth needs to write 826 notes to reach his goal and he is sharing many of them on his website.


We're starting to get a sneak peak at some of the Sunday's Super Bowl commercials, including one from Volkswagen.

Volkswagen is hoping to recreate some of magic from its 2011 commercial featuring a kid dressed up as Darth Vader.  It is one of the most shared commercials of all time.

This year's big game version, called "Wings," opens with a shot of a dad riding along with his daughter as his car ticks over to one hundred thousand miles.

The daughter is not impressed -- so the dad asks her, "What if I told you that every time a Volkswagen hits 100,000 miles, a German engineer gets their wings?"

For a few seconds, we see wings popping out from the white lab coats of engineers everywhere – in the elevator, the bathroom on the assembly line.

Then the daughter responds, "Yeah dad and I'm sure at 200,000 miles, a rainbow shoots out of their butts."

The commercial has about 100,000 hits in its first day.

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