Trending: Mark Cuban On Prejudice, Obama's Surprise Walk, King Of Pop Impersonation


Dallas Maverick's owner Mark Cuban is catching heat for comments about prejudice and bigotry.

In an interview with Inc. magazine, Cuban said we are all prejudiced in some ways and admitted some of his own prejudices.

In one part of the interview, Cuban said he would cross the street if he saw a black guy with a hoodie or a white guy covered with tattoos.

On our Facebook page, CBS 11 asked you if you think his comments were racist or realistic.

Laura Joe Harris wrote, "His comments aren't racist! He is being brutally honest. I would do the same thing. Now days you just don't know who is a weirdo that is going to hurt you and who is normal. Nothing wrong with having caution these days.

Harry Owens wrote, "Well, if he's racist, he's an equal opportunity racist, as he will cross the street for a black or a white. The context of his comments are not really revealed here, so, it's more media hype than anything else.

We have the full 3 minute clip posted on our website here.

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Even the President wants to take advantage of the gorgeous weather on spring days, and he did just that yesterday to the surprise of folks walking near the White House.

The President shook hands with tourists, runners, and business owners before heading to a meeting at the nearby Department of the Interior.


A video is circulating online that would make the "King of Pop" proud.

It's the highlights from a high school talent show in California, including an impressive Michael Jackson impersonation.

Talent Rally Highlights 2014 by PTL - Pride Time Live (Dead Channel) on YouTube

17-year-old Brett Nichols won first place honors after showing off his best Michael Jackson moves.

The video has racked up nearly five million online -- and that's where the teenager says he learned to dance.

He says he started watching YouTube and mimicking MJ's moves until he got them down.

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