Texas Rangers superfan behind popular social media account shares support for his team: "We're going to take it"

ARLINGTON (CBSNewsTexas.com) — With the Rangers on a hot streak, fans are more pumped up than ever before, including one fan who is the definition of a "day one."

Jake DuPre is what you'd call a superfan. "I've just been a massive Rangers fan from a very young age."

And while you may not recognize the name or the face, you may know his Instagram account, @Rangers.Nation.

DuPre started it back in 2014 at just 12 years old with a goal of 1,000 followers.

"As long as I've had Instagram, I've run the account," DuPre said.

And now? It's the largest Rangers fan page on social media, and this season—his followers almost doubled.

"It's steadily grown over the years," DuPre said. "This year, I started the season at 39,000, and now we have 65,000."

It's been a special season no doubt. Back in August, the superfan decided to use his platform to get as many fans as he could to join him in Section 133.

"It ended up being amazing," he said. "We had 400-500 people show up, and it was the most fun I have ever had at a Rangers game."

Since then, the team has coined his section "Corey's Corner" and week after week, has seen a massive turnout in support.

For him, being a Rangers fan leader is a full-time job.

"Social media has been everything. I mean, think about the things...the community you can build off of social media," DuPre said. "When I went to Section 133, I only knew one person there. And now I have 500 friends that go to Rangers games with me."

And the only thing that would make him happier than running his page—more wins.

"I am super excited," DuPre said. "I think this is the best Rangers series ever. This year is different, we're hot. We're going to take it."

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