Texas Gov. Perry Challenges New York Gov. Cuomo To Debate

AUSTIN, Texas (AP) - Texas Gov. Rick Perry is challenging his New York counterpart, Gov. Andrew Cuomo, to a debate over economic policy as he ventures onto Cuomo's turf.

Perry is visiting New York, hoping to coax employers there to move to Texas.

Last June, he made a similar trip that included ads poking fun at what Perry said was New York's high taxes and stiff regulations.

On Tuesday, a Perry political group released a statement suggesting a debate with Cuomo on topics like taxes, government spending and education. Perry repeated the offer on an Albany radio station.

A Cuomo spokesman offered no comment.

Perry's 2012 presidential run flamed out following his notorious "Oops" brain freeze during a debate. He's not seeking re-election but hasn't ruled out a second White House run in 2016.

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