Dad Says Student Driver Sorry After Crashing Into Daycare

FRISCO (CBSDFW.COM) - Eight people were injured, including five children, when a teenage driver crashed into a Frisco daycare on Thursday. The 17-year-old student driver was out for a driving lesson when the crash happened at Primrose School of Frisco.

The teen's father stated that they were just arriving at a nearby driving school when his son's foot accidentally slipped onto the gas pedal, sending the car through a fence. The father jumped out of the vehicle to start helping children, many with bumps or bruises. The student driver feels terrible about what happened, the father said.

"Our hearts go out to them, and we're very, very sorry," said the teen's father.

Children's Medical Center stated that one child was in intensive care and three others there had more minor injuries. "They're going to be seen, treated for any mild cuts, scrapes, bumps, bruises, and likely sent home," added Scott Summerall, "but more evaluation is needed."

Parents at the school said that they were in shock to learn about what had happened. "I just wanted to make sure my son was okay," said parent Patrick Lesley, "as I'm sure all the other parents did."

The school's owners released a statement that said, in part, "We are heartbroken about the accident that happened today at our school, injuring multiple children and teachers. Our Primrose community is our family and nothing is more important to us than the safety and well-being of the children entrusted to us."

The statement also added, "We are incredibly proud of how our teachers and staff responded today and we are grateful for the police and paramedics for their swift action as well." The daycare opened back up on Friday with parents bringing flowers and signs to show support.

"We just wanted to come out here and let Primrose know that we are praying for them, as well as the school and both sides of the family -- the boy who had to live with this and for the family and kids that are at Children's," said parent Petra Thornton on Friday.

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