Stray bullet lands in woman's Uptown apartment, "I looked up, and saw a huge hole!"

Stray bullet lands in woman's Uptown apartment, "I looked up, and saw a huge hole!"

DALLAS - It was a frightening New Year's weekend for a woman in Uptown, when a stray bullet came through her apartment wall and landed on her floor. 

Vanessa Sierra said she was awake early Saturday morning when she heard a shattering sound inside her apartment located off 75 and McKinney Avenue.

"It was traumatizing. I wouldn't say it sounded like a bang... but like glass," Sierra said. 

At first, she didn't realize what the noise was. It wasn't until she woke up the next morning that she noticed the bullet on the ground in her dining room.

"It landed and there was drywall all over the floor, and then I looked up and saw a huge hole," she said.

She tried to file a police report on Saturday but didn't get an officer to her apartment until Tuesday.

"I can appreciate that they finally came and investigated how it fell through the cracks."

Dallas police told her they believe it could have been a driver on the highway. 

The department said over the holiday weekend they received 57 random gunfire calls and 641 holiday signal random gunfire calls, which are incidents where callers didn't see the gunfire and didn't want to interact with officers. 

Sierra said, she wasn't surprised it happened to her.

"It really can just happen anywhere. You can just be minding your business and somewhere someone is just joking around," she said.

She posted the shooting to her TikTok where it has more than 300,000 views. 

As for the hole, she is hoping it gets patched up soon, so she can start 2024 fresh. 

"I see this as a relatively nice area... You just never know."

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