Sterling Is The Bad Guy, Not Snoop

105.3 THE FAN -- The most stunning part of today's show was our "redneck" discussion stemming from Snoop Dogg's attack of Donald Sterling. Sorry, I don't find the two comparable. As a matter of fact, I laugh when I hear the terms "redneck, honkey and cracker." And yes, despite all the Aladdin jokes, my mom is white.

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This morning's suggestion that Snoop's "racism" was just as bad as Sterling's is incomparable and absurd. The same ones sending me Webster's definition and history of "redneck" should also recognize how many white people view the term as one of endearment -- just turn on Duck Dynasty. I'm 32 years old and grew up in a rural part of Maryland with plenty of "country boys." Not ONCE did I see someone get offended by the word "redneck." To the contrary, they took pride in being recognized for wearing cammo, drinking beer and hunting deer, but that's just me.

There's a reason I can say the white insults on-air and not the black ones.

You want me to accept that the use of the N-word is on the same level as cracker?!?? Not in my freaking world. Many texters said that makes me ignorant and uneducated. Maybe so, but that's not changing my mind in recognizing Donald Sterling as the bad guy here, not Snoop.

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