Restaurants prepare for the food critic Keith Lee's visit to Dallas

North Texas restaurants prepare for social media food critic Keith Lee

DALLAS — Get ready Dallas foodies, it's your time to shine. 

Popular social media food critic Keith Lee announced this week that the next stop on his multi-city food tour is Dallas. Locals are doing everything they can to make sure that he visits their favorite spots. 

You might have seen his viral restaurant reviews on social media. 

For the last seven months, social media food critic Keith Lee has traveled the country visiting mom-and-pop restaurants that need a little boost in marketing. Sharing his honest opinions about their food and service.

The next stop on his Keith Lee and Family Food Tour is here in North Texas.

"Dallas Texas we coming," said Lee in a social media video he posted this week.

"I was excited," said Dresha Harrison, the owner of Aunt Irene's Kitchen. 

"I was like ooh I hope he comes to Aunt Irene's baby."

Dresha Harrison is the owner of Aunt Irene's Kitchen in South Dallas. They're famous for their black box, filled with shrimp, crab, and sausage. 

"I started making these in my garage and then on the street corner and then the city said I can't do that, I got a building and then I got all these followers behind me," said Harrison. 

Since Lee announced Dallas was his next stop, many of Harrison's loyal followers have been begging Lee to add Aunt Irene's to his list.

"I got close to 25 text messages and then on messenger, 'he's coming, he's coming, so be ready', so I said well we already ready," said Harrison. 

She hopes a visit from Lee will bring her more customers than ever before.

"Basically, the exposure because the goal is to get a sit-down restaurant so all the people that's here now could sit down and experience the Aunt Irene's experience instead of having to pack it up and take it home," said Harrison.

 Lee's reviews have the power to make or break restaurants, but Harrison isn't worried.  

 "If he do come if he don't come, he's still gonna get the same quality food regardless because we're here to cater to you baby," said Harrison. 

Lee says starting with his Dallas visit, he'll be adding new categories of restaurants he'll visit. This includes restaurants with great food and great service but that could use the marketing, local favorites that highlight the food scene in the city voted on directly by locals, and restaurants from different backgrounds and cultures.

Lee says he'll be taking recommendations about where to go from his followers on social media. He will create a poll on his Instagram where locals can vote on which restaurants he should visit next.

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