Police release photo of person of interest in Deep Ellum sex assault

DALLAS (CBSDFW.COM) - Police in Dallas released a photo of a man they want to interview regarding a sexual assault offense that happened late Saturday night in Deep Ellum.

Have you seen this man? Call Crime Stoppers if so. (photo credit: Dallas Police Department)

The Latin male (pictured above) is 5'6" tall and 210 pounds, with a mustache and a small goatee. He has tattoos on both arms and wears glasses.

If anyone has any information about who he is, or where he is, they should contact Detective Alan Holmes of the Dallas Police Department Crimes Against Person Division by phone at 214.671.3637 or email at alan.holmes@dpd.ci.dallas.tx.us.

Or if they want to remain anonymous, Crime Stoppers will take their call and will pay up to $5,000 for information called in that leads to the arrest and indictment for this felony offense and other felony offenses.

Call Crime Stoppers at: (214) 373.TIPS (8477), 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

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