Plano Couple Optimistic About Future Of Same Sex Marriage

PLANO (CBS 11 NEWS)  -  News that the Supreme Court will take up same sex marriage in America was welcome news to a Plano couple who has been fighting for years for the right to marry.

The decision could potentially decide once and for all if gays and lesbians can marry in every state in the country.

In Texas, a ban on same sex marriage has been ruled unconstitutional, but the case has been appealed by the State of Texas, with a decision expected by the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals in February.

The Plano couple at the center of the Texas case, Mark Phariss and Vic Holmes, is confident they will be married this year.

"It's wide open at this time, where we're going on our honeymoon, but it will be spectacular and as Vic said it will be with each other," said Mark Phariss.

They think today's Supreme Court announcement will help their case.

"I think it really will encourage the Fifth Circuit to issue it's decision quickly and to issue a decision that's in favor of same sex marriages," said Phariss.

Opponents of same sex marriage, like Robert Jeffress, Pastor of First Baptist Church of Dallas, say this fight is not about constitutional rights.

"I believe that homosexual American have exactly the same constitutional rights as heterosexual Americans, but marriage has never been a constitutional right," said Jeffress.  "If it were 15-year- olds in America could marry or siblings could marry."

"We understand that the state has the right to restrict the definition of marriage for a great societal good,"  continued Jeffress.

The Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in April and a decision is expected in late June.




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