Plano couple hopes Congress passes bill recognizing same sex marriage

Plano couple hopes Congress passes bill recognizing same sex marriage

PLANO (CBSDFW.COM) - Mark Phariss and Vic Holmes of Plano celebrated their seventh wedding anniversary this week.

Mark Phariss and Vic Holmes of Plano celebrated their seventh wedding anniversary this week. CBS 11 News

"We are very happy and beyond overjoyed to be married and to be where we are today," said Phariss. 

Years later, the couple said they never expected they'd be hoping Congress passes the Respect For Marriage Act, which recognizes same sex marriage and repeals the Defense of Marriage Act, which only recognizes marriage  between a man and a woman.

Holmes said, "Passing this will allow us to all finally recognize marriage is equal for everyone." 

Democrats in the U.S. House introduced legislation earlier this year after the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v Wade.

In his concurring opinion, Justice Clarence Thomas said the nation's highest court should also reconsider its ruling granting same sex couples a nationwide right to marry.

Phariss said, "It's so hurtful and will have incredible consequences for the entire LGBTQ community if successful."

CBS 11 was there with Holmes and Phariss when the Court granted that right more than seven years ago. 

"I just remember the wave of emotion that hit when we suddenly realized, hey we're just like everyone else."

While Democrats passed their bill in the House with Republican support, a majority of the U.S. Senate gave its initial support, but made some changes to the legislation.

The bill doesn't require states to grant a marriage license to same sex couples but does require states to recognize those marriages from other states.

The legislation also maintains religious freedoms that wouldn't force nonprofit organizations to provide services for marriage celebrations and doesn't deny the tax-exempt status of churches and universities if they won't recognize gay marriage.

Supporters in Congress want to pass the measure in the next few weeks while the House remains under a Democratic majority.

The U.S. Senate will vote on the measure and then it will head back to the House.

Senators John Cornyn and Ted Cruz oppose the new bill as does Republican Congressman Pat Fallon. "If it's not explicitly mentioned in the Constitution, it's up to the states. There are 50 laboratories of democracy and that is the best way to do it. So I voted no and I'm going to vote no again because it's the state of Texas that should decide and other states what the definition of marriage is."      

Democratic Congressman Marc Veasey supports it.

"Let's get this passed. It's long overdue. This is something that the American public, regardless of party affiliation is in strong, strong support of."

The bill is expected to pass in the Senate and the House and be signed by President Biden. 

While Phariss and Holmes are pleased, they say they don't think it will end the legal challenges to same sex marriage.

Phariss said, "Sometimes you take a couple of steps forward and maybe you fall back a couple of steps. And we're determined not to lose ground." 

Holmes said, "We're really going to have to work hard to protect this for everybody else coming forward."

Follow Jack on Twitter & Facebook: @cbs11jack 

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