Man Targeted Because Of Trump Support: 'I'm Not A Racist'

TULSA, OK (CBSDFW.COM) -- A Tulsa man said he's being targeted for supporting President Trump and he said he doesn't understand why someone would take the time to harass his family over political views.

A woman was caught on camera admitting to leaving a hateful note on his porch and sticking a pin onto a pumpkin on his front porch that said "real men don't grope."

"I was very heartbroken because it's not who I am," Morgan Casper told KOTV regarding another note found on his front porch.

The note said, 'Every one of them [Trump supporters] decided hating people with brown skin or disabilities or women wasn't a deal breaker. Own that decision'

"I'm not a racist. I look at everyone as equal. I mean my wife is an Indian. I'm white," said Casper.

Morgan says he was worried about his family's safety so he installed a security camera and caught the woman back at it -- this time sticking the pin onto the pumpkin. "That got me pretty angry because obviously she bought that pin just to send a message to me and my family."

Casper said he had hoped to meet her one day and ask her about her actions and one day he did -- recording the event on video.

"Complacent **** really screwed up. And that's what I thought you were," said the unnamed woman. Casper replied, "OK, well again, that's what you believe but you, you don't know who I am."

The woman said she was upset about the campaign signs he had in his yard and the 'Trump, Make America Great Again' bumper sticker he had on his truck.

"You were advertising yourself," said the woman.

Casper replied, "Yes, I just had a sticker, I have a right to do that."

The woman continued, "You have signs on your yard...."

Casper continued, "Ma'am I have a right to do that."

The woman eventually walked away.

Casper said he doesn't agree with everything the president says or tweets. But he said that his support of the president doesn't mean he should be harassed.

"I just think being open minded, respecting people's religion, respecting people politically, I think that'll bring the country back together instead of being such a divided nation. We're American."

Casper said during the election season two of his signs were stolen and then a third was ripped up and thrown in his backyard. He's hoping people can just move on.

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