Leaders of police associations join in support of retaining Dallas chief

Leaders of police associations join in support of retaining Dallas chief

DALLAS – No news is worrisome news for a lot of Dallas Police officers who are waiting for word on the future of Chief Eddie Garcia. 

While no one has confirmed it, it's an open secret that the popular top cop in Dallas is likely to entertain an offer soon to take over the Houston Police Department. 

The leaders of several Dallas Police officer associations stood together in a rare display of solidarity for one purpose. 

"To make every effort, to pull out every stop, to keep and retain Chief Garcia," said Sgt. George Aranda of the National Latino Law Enforcement Organization.

Aranda was flanked by the leaders of the Dallas Police Association and the Asian Peace Officer Association for a joint news conference to encourage Dallas city leaders to act fast on an agreement to keep Garcia from possibly leaving for the same job in Houston. 

"He is the best chief in America today and the entire country knows it," said Sr. Cpl. Jaime Castro of the Dallas Police Association.

"He raised morale with the Dallas Police Department, and he reduced crimes so what else can we ask of a police chief," said Lt. Paul Thai of the Asian Peace Officer Association. 

The labor group presidents, who represent most of the 3,100 DPD officers, also took a shot at the city believed to be courting Garcia. 

Earlier Friday, Garcia took part in a Special Olympics torch run, but refused to take questions about his job status. 

There's no indication that Dallas has put together an offer to entice Garcia to stay put, especially since a contract is prohibited by the city charter.

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