Do you know Jessica Gasser? Investigators seek social media links to mom accused of Munchausen by proxy

TARRANT COUNTY ( - Are you connected to Jessica Gasser, 27, on Facebook?

If so, the Tarrant County Sheriff's Office wants to speak to you. 

Gasser, aka MedicalMamaJess, is accused of Munchausen by proxy, also known as medical child abuse.

Tarrant County investigators said that Gasser had multiple unnecessary medical procedures performed on her 3-year-old. They do not know how long the reported abuse has gone on, according to a news release. 

However, investigators said during the time of the abuse, Gasser sent messages to a friend that she was deleting all of her posts on Facebook about her child's health, including private messages. 

Anyone in contact with Gasser on social media, through email or text, is urged to contact Detective Michael Weber at 817.884.3749.  

Gasser was arrested in Rusk County last week and is being held in the Tarrant County Jail.

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