Homeowner's Death Brings Scrutiny To Emergency Services In Prosper Area

PROSPER, Texas (CBSDFW.COM) - A Denton County residential development near Prosper could possibly restructure its community fire and emergency services, to ensure those services can respond as quickly as possible.

County officials are set to initiate the shift, as a result of a homeowner's death.

"I knew where the fire station was, and I kept wondering, why it was taking so long. I needed somebody there for me, to help me," resident Nikisha Pugh said Monday, while explaining the November death of her husband, Karl.

The family resides in the 1,600-home development known as Artesia.

The subdivision is one of several residential subdivisions along Highway 380, west of the North Dallas Tollway. On November 9, 2021 Pugh dialed 911.

Her husband was having a heart attack.

The closest emergency response to the Artesia neighborhood is Prosper Fire Station 2.

The location is approximately one-half mile from the subdivision.

Paramedics from Station 2 were not dispatched to the 911 call. Instead, EMT's from the town of Aubrey were sent.

Pugh's husband died.

"It's very hard to know there's EMS right by my house, but (911) dispatched someone from far away. It's not explainable. I just don't want this to happen to someone else over here in this neighborhood," she said.

Denton County Emergency Services officials say the bypass of the Prosper fire station is part of service agreement plan made by residents of the Artesia community, and the formation of its own Municipal Utility District, also known as a MUD.

The community sits outside Prosper city limits.

"When that community was developed, the citizens in place voted in a fee to pay for emergency services.

The City of Prosper offered a fee. The City of Aubrey also offered a fee.

The fee they went with was the City of Aubrey," Denton County Fire Marshal Brad Sebastian explained.

Aubrey paramedics arrived at Pugh's home 13 minutes after she called 911.

"This is very hard to know there's an EMS right by my house. It's inexplainable," Pugh said.

"This is tragic, and our hearts go out to the Pugh family," Fire Marshal Sebastian said.

The county Emergency Services officials have met with Prosper Fire service administrators, along with Artesia community representatives.

Prosper officials said in an issued statement, "The Town recently signed an interlocal agreement… to begin providing Fire and EMS services to this area, and is in full support to fast-track this process in any way possible."

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