Greg Abbott To Republicans: "I Will Not Allow Them To California Our Texas"

FORT WORTH (CBS 11 NEWS) - Thousands of Republicans at their state convention in Fort Worth gave their nominee for Governor Greg Abbott a Texas-sized welcome.

The current Attorney General told the crowd that it's been 20 years since a Democrat has been elected statewide. "By God, we're not going to let that record be broken this year."

Abbott says his Democratic opponent, Senator Wendy Davis of Fort Worth would try to bring what he called President Obama's big-government policies to Texas. "We love this state too much to let the next four years in Texas to look like the last six years under Barack Obama."

Abbott said his goals are improving schools and healthcare, while keeping the state's job market #1.

He also promised to build roads, and spend money for transportation on transportation.

But it was his comments on securing the border, and supporting pro-life policies and the 2nd Amendment that received the loudest and most sustained applause. "I will not let them California our Texas."

But at a news conference today, Davis' campaign railed against the Republican platform on homosexuality and illegal immigration.

Her communications director, Zac Petkanas said, "While they are fighting for their political insider friends, it's very clear from what's going on the hall, that they're not fighting for Latinos, they're not fighting for women, and they're not fighting for the LGBT community."

Davis trails Abbott in the statewide polls, and analysts say she faces an uphill battle in Texas.

President Obama and Democrats are boosting their efforts to turn the Lone Star State into a political battleground, but political experts in Texas say that won't happen in the short term.

Follow Jack on Twitter: @cbs11jack

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