Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton could be impeached on Saturday. Here's what we know.

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton could be voted out of office on Saturday
Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton speaks to reporters in front of the U.S. Supreme Court in Washington, DC, on April 26, 2022. STEFANI REYNOLDS/AFP via Getty Images

AUSTIN, Texas (AP) — The Texas House of Representatives will vote Saturday on whether to impeach state Attorney General Ken Paxton, an investigating panel announced Friday.

Paxton addressed the media for the first time Friday afternoon since a Texas House Committee voted to recommend impeachment. 

"Every politician who supports this deceitful impeachment attempt will inflict lasting damage on the credibility of the Texas House," Paxton said during a press conference.

He also called the process unjust and unethical. He did not take questions from the media.

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton on Friday called on his supporters to protest when the Republican-led state House of Representatives takes up impeachment proceedings against him.

The Republican-led Texas House of Representatives has set a historic Saturday vote to consider impeaching Paxton and suspend him from office over allegations of bribery, unfitness for office and abuse of public trust.

"I want to invite my fellow citizens and friends to peacefully come let their voices be heard at the Capitol tomorrow," the three-term Republican said during a news conference Friday. "Exercise your right to petition your government."

Paxton, 60, finds himself on the brink of impeachment after years of scandal, criminal charges and corruption accusations. The House will consider a resolution calling for Paxton's impeachment at 1 p.m. Saturday, according to a statement released by the House Committee on General Investigating.

If impeached, Paxton would be forced to leave office immediately.

Texas AG Ken Paxton asks his supporters to peacefully protest vote to impeach

The GOP-led committee spent months quietly looking into Paxton and recommended Thursday that the state's top lawyer be impeached on 20 articles including bribery, unfitness for office and abuse of public trust.

Paxton, a Republican, has criticized the impeachment effort as an attempt to "overthrow the will of the people and disenfranchise the voters of our state." He has said the charges are based on "hearsay and gossip, parroting long-disproven claims."

The announcement came as Republican support began to rally around the embattled attorney general, with the chairman of the state Republican Party calling the process a "sham" and calling on the GOP-controlled Senate to acquit Paxton when the cases reaches trial in that chamber.

First will come the House vote, where the investigation panel proposed at least 40 minutes to lay out the charges against Paxton and four hours for the members to debate.

"We cannot over-emphasize the fact that, but for Paxton's own request for a taxpayer-funded settlement over his wrongful conduct, Paxton would not be facing impeachment by the House."

The move to impeach sets up what could be a remarkably sudden downfall for one of the GOP's most prominent legal combatants, who in 2020 asked the U.S. Supreme Court to overturn President Joe Biden's victory. Only two officials in Texas' nearly 200-year history have been impeached.

Paxton has been under FBI investigation for years over accusations that he used his office to help a donor. He was separately indicted on securities fraud charges in 2015, but has yet to stand trial.

When the five-member committee's investigation came to light Tuesday, Paxton suggested it was a political attack by the House's "liberal" Republican speaker, Dade Phelan. He called for Phelan's resignation and accused him of being drunk during a marathon session last Friday. Phelan's office brushed off the accusation as Paxton attempting to "save face."

"It's is a sad day for Texas as we witness the corrupt political establishment unite in this illegitimate attempt to overthrow the will of the people and disenfranchise the voters of our state," Paxton said in a statement Thursday, calling the committee's findings "hearsay and gossip, parroting long-disproven claims."

By moving against him, Paxton said, "The RINOs in the Texas Legislature are now on the same side as Joe Biden."

Impeachment requires a majority vote of the state's usually 150-member House chamber, which Republicans now control 85-64, since a GOP representative resigned ahead of an expected vote to expel him.

It's unclear how many supporters Paxton may have in the House, where he served five terms before becoming a state senator. Since the prospect of impeachment suddenly emerged Wednesday, few top Republicans have backed Paxton.

But statewide support for Paxton started to emerge Friday. The strongest came from state Republican Party Chairman Matt Rinaldi, who called the pending impeachment a "sham" and indicated the Republican-led Senate would stop it.

"It is based on allegations already litigated by voters, led by a liberal speaker trying to undermine his conservative adversaries," Rinaldi said.

"It seems Texas Republicans will have to rely yet again on the principled leadership of the Texas Senate to restore sanity and reason for our state," Rinaldi said.

The articles of impeachment issued by the investigative committee, which include three Republicans and two Democrats, stem largely from Paxton's relationship with one of his wealthy donors. They deal heavily with Paxton's alleged efforts to protect the donor from an FBI investigation and his attempts to thwart whistleblower complaints brought by his own staff.

The timing of a vote by the House is unclear. Rep. Andrew Murr, the Republican chair of the investigative committee, said he did not have a timeline and Phelan's office declined to comment.

Unlike in Congress, impeachment in Texas requires immediate removal from office until a trial is held in the Senate. Republican Gov. Greg Abbott could appoint an interim replacement. Abbott's office did not respond to requests for comment on the impeachment counts.

Final removal would require two-thirds support in the Senate, where Paxton's wife, Angela, is a member. Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick, a Republican and leader of the Senate, did not respond to requests for comment.

Paxton, 60, faces ouster at the hands of GOP lawmakers just seven months after easily winning a third term over challengers — among them George P. Bush — who had urged voters to reject a compromised incumbent but discovered that many didn't know about Paxton's litany of alleged misdeeds or dismissed the accusations as political attacks.

The attorney general characterized his potential impeachment as "a critical moment for the rule of law and will of Texas voters."

Even with Monday's end of the regular session approaching, state law allows the House to keep working on impeachment proceedings. It also could call itself back into session later. The Senate has the same options.

In one sense, Paxton's political peril arrived with dizzying speed: The House committee investigation came to light Tuesday, followed the next day by an extraordinary public airing of alleged criminal acts he committed as one of Texas' most powerful figures.

But to Paxton's detractors, who now include a widening share of his own party in the Texas Capitol, the rebuke was years in the making.

In 2014, he admitted to violating Texas securities law over not registering as an investment advisor while soliciting clients. A year later, Paxton was indicted on felony securities charges by a grand jury in his hometown near Dallas, where he was accused of defrauding investors in a tech startup. He has pleaded not guilty to two felony counts carrying a potential sentence of five to 99 years in prison.

He opened a legal defense fund and accepted $100,000 from an executive whose company was under investigation by Paxton's office for Medicaid fraud. An additional $50,000 was donated by an Arizona retiree whose son Paxton later hired to a high-ranking job but was soon fired after trying to make a point by displaying child pornography in a meeting.

But what has unleashed the most serious risk to Paxton is his relationship with another wealthy donor, Austin real estate developer Nate Paul.

Several of Paxton's top aides in 2020 told the FBI that they had became concerned the attorney general was misusing the powers of his office to help Paul over unproven claims that an elaborate conspiracy to steal $200 million of his properties was afoot. The FBI searched Paul's home in 2019 but he has not been charged and his attorneys have denied wrongdoing. Paxton also told staff members that he had an affair with a woman who, it later emerged, worked for Paul.

The impeachment charges cover myriad accusations related to Paxton's dealings with Paul. The allegations include attempts to interfere in foreclosure lawsuits and improperly issuing legal opinions to benefit Paul, and firing, harassing and interfering with staff who reported what was going on. The bribery charges stem from Paul allegedly employing the woman with whom Paxton had an affair in exchange for legal help and Paul allegedly paying for expensive renovations to Paxton's Austin home.

Other charges date back to Paxton's still-pending 2015 felony securities fraud indictment, including lying to state investigators.

The eight aides who reported Paxton to the FBI were all fired or quit, and four later sued under Texas' whistleblower law, In February, Paxton agreed to settle the case for $3.3 million. But the Texas House must approve the payout and Phelan has said he doesn't think taxpayers should foot the bill.

Shortly after the settlement was reached, the House investigation into Paxton began. The probe amounted to rare scrutiny of Paxton in the state Capitol, where many Republicans have long taken a muted posture about the accusations that have dogged him.

Only twice has the Texas House impeached a sitting official: Gov. James Ferguson in 1917 and state Judge O.P. Carrillo in 1975.

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