Fort Worth Opera holds third annual Night of Black Excellence this weekend

Fort Worth Opera holds third annual Night of Black Excellence this weekend
Fort Worth Opera holds third annual Night of Black Excellence this weekend

FORT WORTH, Texas (CBSDFW.COM) – If you're looking for a way to celebrate Black History Month this weekend, the Fort Worth Opera is inviting the community to a special concert performance, called 'A Night of Black Excellence.' 

It will be a celebration of the creative power and beauty of the Black community. 

"The concert as a whole is meant to showcase the breadth of talent that Black performers and artists have in the area, from classical to jazz to blues to gospel," said Kaswanna Kanyinda, a resident artist with Fort Worth Opera. 

The third annual 'A Night of Black Excellence' will feature the Fort Worth Operas resident artists, along with special guests, high school performers, and other local talent. 

"From the sound and lights to the video production team, the photographers, the stagehands, the production assistants, the stage managers – every single person is a Black or brown creative," said Sheran Goodspeed Keyton, who is producing and directing the concert. "That's a big deal because that never happens." 

Keyton wants the audience to experience the powerful impact of uplifting diverse voices. 

"I'm hoping that it will really, number one, open the eyes of people who may not have even realized that they had a skewed vision of what excellence was," she said. "And I'm also hoping that the people who participate have a greater sense of pride in who they are and what they bring to the table." 

Kanyinda hopes it shows young people of color that being in the arts isn't out of their reach, whether they want to perform, design costumes, or create sets. 

"If you just keep going on along and putting your blood sweat and tears and all your heart into that, you could do that as well," she said. 

The concert will be held on Sunday, Feb. 12 at 2 p.m. at I.M. Terrell Academy in Fort Worth. 

You can purchase tickets here.

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