Fort Worth family pushes for solutions after 8-year-old daughter hit by car

8-year-old Keller ISD girl hit by car: Dangerous Intersection

FORT WORTH – A Keller ISD 8-year-old remains in Cook Children's pediatric ICU after being struck by a car while walking home from Park Glen Elementary School.

The incident occurred around 4:30 p.m. Monday at the intersection of Glen Canyon Road and Park Vista Boulevard. It's a stretch of road that residents say is notorious for speeders.

"No one ever follows the speed limit," one resident said. "It's long past due to get some sort of remedy."

Fort Worth police initially reported that the crash only caused minor injuries, but witnesses say the crash was worse than described.

"Her body flew very high and very far, and she was unconscious for a long time," one witness said.

Family members of the girl say she is recovering from a brain injury and is beginning to make progress.

Though they acknowledge that there is clearly a bigger issue with speeders on this stretch of road, the girl's father tells CBS News Texas that he felt the situation was brushed off – and that change is needed in the area.

"There have been accidents at this intersection, several since I have lived here," said one resident who lives next door to where the crash occurred.

Fort Worth City Councilman Charles Lauersdorf has requested a traffic study be conducted in the area to find new solutions after uncovering alarming TXdot data.

"There have been over two dozen crashes in this two-mile stretch of road and two specifically in this intersection [since 2019]," Lauersdorf said. "All of that information will play into why we need something and need it sooner rather than later."

The hope is to add a new traffic signal or pedestrian crossing light.

Wednesday afternoon, Fort Worth police and city staff will also be conducting a ride-along to assess the extent of speeding in the area.

While this doesn't change what happened on Monday, the family of the 8-year-old hopes it brings about change.

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