Democrats Trade Barbs In U.S. Senate Race

AUSTIN (AP) - The highest profile Democrat challenging U.S. Sen. John Cornyn is a deep-pocketed Dallas dentist best known for a multimillion-dollar failed run for Congress in 2012.

And, for years before that, David Alameel was a generous donor to top conservatives in Texas and nationwide.

Alameel has won endorsements from Democratic gubernatorial hopeful Wendy Davis and lieutenant governor candidate Leticia Van de Putte.

That's angered another U.S. Senate candidate, Maxey Scherr. She's an El Paso personal-injury attorney who says she's the race's only true Democrat.

Scherr's campaign responded by highlighting Alameel's past donations to the likes of Gov. Rick Perry, Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst and even Cornyn himself.

They are two of five Democrats vying in Texas' March 4 primary. But their back-and-forth may ultimately decide the election.

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