Dallas Ranked Second In Country For New Jobs And Job Growth

While other major metropolitan cities remain stagnant or are in decline, when it comes to job growth, North Texas is seeing growth above the national average.

Forbes reports that according to Moody's Analytics, five out of the top 10 cities for employment growth are in Texas. Dallas, at 3.8 percent, ranks fifth in the nation in regards to job growth. A news release put out by the Bureau of Labor Statistics on Aug. 27 says, "Among the 12 largest metropolitan areas in the country, Dallas ranked second in both the number of jobs added and the rate of job growth."

In order to find a fulfilling job that can give the rewards of career growth and stability, many consider returning to school. Some feel it is a daunting task, but it need not be.

When it comes to returning to school, Dr. Cindy Castañeda, a Harvard graduate who teaches government at Eastfield College, said, "It is never too late to go back to school. You can't help getting older, but you can do something about growing more skilled, more educated or more competitive in the work marketplace."

Those who are concerned about switching careers later in life should consider Karen Hopkins of Hopkins Group LLC. Hopkins returned to school while raising three children and working full time. "We have such a long work life (30 to 40 years). There is nothing wrong with changing careers and using education to do that. If there is a field of study that you want to pursue, make sure you do your homework. Look to see that the school has a good overall reputation and has a good program in that field," said Hopkins.

Castañeda recommends that returning students and those who have children or grandchildren at home should put their own, as well as their children's, good grades on the refrigerator, just like they did for their kids. She said, "It sets a good example and emphasizes the importance of having pride in your work."

Hopkins offered these encouraging words, "Don't stop learning. Education is lifelong and it should never end."

Robin D. Everson is a native Chicagoan who resides in Dallas, Texas. Her appreciation for art, food, wine, people and places has helped her become a well-respected journalist. A life-long lover of education, Robin seeks to learn and
enlighten others about culture. You can find her work at Examiner.com 

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