CBS 11 Exclusive: Dallas Co. DA Has Dealt With Depression For Awhile

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DALLAS (CBSDFW.COM) - CBS-11 has learned Dallas County District Attorney Susan Hawk has dealt with depression before her serious episode of depression.

On Tuesday, Hawk, a Republican, announced she was taking a four week unpaid leave for treatment.

Hawk's political advisor, Mari Woodlief tells me Hawk has had depression for awhile, but couldn't say for how long. According to Woodlief, Hawk has previously had mild episodes of depression, but has been able to manage and overcome them. But Woodlief says this latest episode of depression has been the most serious. When asked if Hawk faced depression when she was a Dallas County judge between 2003 and 2013, Woodlief insisted Hawk did not.

Ever since becoming DA in January of this year, Hawk has been accused of showing erratic behavior and firing employees, after alleging they were out to get her.

Now, CBS-11 has learned back in 2012, when Hawk was a judge, she made a serious accusation against prosecutor Stephanie Mitchell, who was well-respected and awarded prosecutor of the year twice.

Hawk demanded then-DA Craig Watkins, a Democrat, fire Mitchell. Heath Harris was first assistant DA under Watkins at the time. Harris says, "She made the allegation that this prosecutor had placed a tracking device on her vehicle and she was very, very concerned and frustrated." Harris says he and Watkins wanted to verify the judge's accusation. "Because she (Hawk) was so adamant about it, we went to talk to the prosecutor. When we went down there, she wasn't even there. She was out of the country at a wedding involving another prosecutor. Totally untrue allegations."

Mitchell, who's now a judge in Hawk's old seat, confirmed the story to CBS-11. She declined an on-camera interview, but said she was shocked and offended by Hawk's accusation. Mitchell says it came after she indicated she would run for judge against Hawk.

Harris says when Mitchell returned to the office from the wedding, he and Watkins told her about the judge's accusation. Harris "She was concerned." Harris went onto say, "It appeared to be a form of coercion trying to get her not to run against Hawk.

This is before Hawk had made the decision to run against Watkins." Mitchell says she and Hawk never discussed the accusation. Harris says Hawk's accusation against Mitchell three years ago, reminds him of the allegations Hawk has made against employees in the DA's office, before firing them.

"The actions that we see now are consistent with the actions she had when she was a judge."

In a statement Wednesday afternoon, Woodlief, Hawk's political adviser said, "Judge Hawk's focus is on her health, not responding to stories or allegations from two years ago. There's no point in speculating about the past.What's most relevant, is that she's made an important life-altering decision to get help for her illness so she can be a better person and a better DA."

Judge Mitchell declined comment on Hawk's medical leave for her depression. As we first reported Tuesday, Woodlief says Hawk has been seeking treatment here in Texas, outside of the Dallas area. Woodlief says Hawk decided at 2:30pm Tuesday that she needed to take leave before returning to the office.

Originally, Woodlief says Hawk planned to return to work later this week. Hawk has been out of the office since August 3rd. After repeated questions over Hawk's whereabouts, Woodlief said Monday that Hawk was just taking needed time off after working long hours and weekends for most of this year. Woodlief acknowledged the DA's office should have done a better job communicating this to the public.

She said Hawk was healthy and denied rumors that the DA was in rehab. Earlier this year, Hawk acknowledged that after she resigned as judge in 2013, she received treatment to help quit taking prescription medications for her back condition.

Harris says he hopes the best for Hawk, but says because of how the DA and her office have handled questions over her absence, she has a credibility problem. "I think absolutely she has a credibility problem because when she came to office, she said there would be transparency, that you could trust her.

This first eight months in office, she has proven the exact opposite." Dallas County's Republican Party Chairman, Wade Emmert disagrees. "Susan's disclosure Tuesday was transparent and courageous. We should applaud her for making the decision to seek help rather than criticize her for not doing it sooner."

On Tuesday morning, the woman now running the DA's office in Hawk's absence, First Assistant District Attorney Messina Madson, issued a statement about Hawk saying in part, "She has clearly communicated her vision for this office, and her leadership team will strive to implement that vision while she is away. We wish her a speedy and full recovery..."

But Harris says after Hawk returns from treatment, she should be more transparent to taxpayers and disclose additional details about her treatment.

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