Cruz Expects To Do Well In South Carolina Primary

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DALLAS (CBSDFW.COM) - He didn't win in New Hampshire, but Sen. Ted Cruz is anticipating a much better showing in the upcoming South Carolina primary, the first time in this presidential election season that Republicans in the south will get to cast their votes.

Cruz won the Iowa caucus, but finished third Tuesday in New Hampshire behind Donald Trump and John Kasich. The Texas senator is expected to do better in the Palmetto State, where he will find a greater number of religious conservatives.

Plus, there are fewer candidates contending as the race moves to the south. Carly Fiorina and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie both dropped out of the race on Wednesday after low numbers in New Hampshire. Cruz expects that this narrowed field will be a benefit to him.

Despite the disappointing outcome on Tuesday night, Cruz said that he can still win the presidential nomination. "The great thing about Iowa and New Hampshire is it's narrowed the field and given South Carolina a clear choice. The men and women of South Carolina, I believe, want a consistent conservative, somebody who is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow," said Cruz on Wednesday. "We're fed up with campaign conservatives. We're fed up with politicians who give us empty promises."

Cruz's supporters believe that the Texas senator's finish behind Trump and Kasich on Tuesday cleared the path for Cruz as a constitutional conservative.

"One of the most important conclusions coming out of these first two states," Cruz added, "is that the only candidate who can beat Donald Trump is me."

The Republican primary in South Carolina will be held on February 20. The state's Democratic primary is a week later.

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