Cruz Confident Night Before South Carolina Primary

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GREENVILLE, SC (CBS11) -The night before the crucial South Carolina Republican Primary, Texas Senator Ted Cruz says the key to winning is all about the grass roots.

While he's down in the polls, Cruz says he's confident about Saturday.

Senator Cruz says he's feeling good about his chances, but that the results are going to depend on a strong conservative turnout.

He told about 400 supporters Friday night in Greenville, not to pay attention to the polls where he trails Donald Trump or listen to analysts' predictions.

Cruz reminded the crowd no one thought he would win the Iowa caucus because he was behind in the polls there, too, but he did.

The Texas Senator and Phil Robertson of Duck Dynasty rallied the crowd filled with evangelicals.

Cruz received loud applause when he said he'll stand unapologetically with Israel over the Palestinians and when he promised to nominate a proven conservative to the Supreme Court, if he's elected.

It was  a long day for Cruz.  This was his fourth event across the state.

"Feel fantastic," Cruz said.  "The energy we're seeing on the ground, the grassroots enthusiasm, we've got over 10,000 volunteers on the ground in South Carolina. At this point, it's all about turnout. This race is going to be decided friend to friend, neighbor to neighbor, pastor to pastor, South Carolinian to South Carolinian."

Analysts say Cruz needs to take first or second place if he wants momentum to continue, but Cruz has said he's in it for the long haul.

This was his last campaign event before Saturday's primary.

Instead of campaigning, he'll attend the funeral of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia in Washington, DC before returning to South Carolina Saturday night.

(©2016 CBS Local Media, a division of CBS Radio Inc. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.)

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