Community Rallies To Have Mural Honoring Fallen Garland High Football Player Redone After It Was Defaced

GARLAND, Texas (CBSDFW.COM) - A legacy was renewed Wednesday, July 7 after some Garland community members rallied funds together to get a fresh coat of paint applied to a defaced mural.

It was painted in honor of Cristopher Guardado, a Garland High School football player who passed away from an accidental shooting in December 2020.

It's been off Highway 66 in Garland on the outside of Trendsetters Barber and Beauty Salon for the last two months.

It was the spot Cristopher and his friends used to get their haircut, and where he grew a deep relationship with the owner.

Cristopher Guardado mural
Cristopher Guardado mural in Garland (credit: Nicole Nielsen - CBS 11)

Late last week his Cristopher's mom, Jacola Beasley was notified it had been vandalized.

"I don't understand it, people are just cruel," she said.

They immediately started a GoFundMe to raise money for another paint job, and just one day later, they had more than $1,500 from the community.

"The fact that a lot of people donated, a lot of people are going to feel ownership of the mural and are going to help protect it, because they helped paint it," said artist Juan Velazquez.

Velazquez painted over the vandalism Wednesday evening and says this time, the mural will get a protective gloss that won't take spray paint.

Cristophers mom says it's more than just knowing her sons painting will be safe, but that so is his memory.

"Every time I see it, it gives me some sort of comfort," she said. "It gives me just a boost of energy today, to continue working on my sons legacy."

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