Around Town: Buc-ee's Hiring In Fort Worth

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FORT WORTH - There are two must stops when you head south from Dallas-Fort Worth.  West, Texas on Interstate-35 for kolaches, and Buc-ee's in Madisonville on I-45 for everything else.

Now Buc-ee's is finally coming to North Texas, right across from Texas Motor Speedway in Fort Worth. "We're going to be hiring about 225 folks for this location" said Regional Manager John Taylor.

From the cleanest restroom anywhere to the snacks galore, nowhere else comes close to the Texas original, Buc-ee's.

"You'll see people walk in the door and they are just standing there in awe," John added.

Buc-ee's is a must stop on any road trip, but now you only have to go to Fort Worth.  JD Ryan is busy as a Beaver...Around Town.

Details:  Buc-ee's

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