6 Reasons Why Johnny Manziel Isn't Cleveland's Starting Quarterback

By Maria Perez

The Cleveland Browns announced that Brian Hoyer will be the starting Quarterback, over Johnny Manziel, in their season opener against the Pittsburgh Steelers on September 7th. In reality, is it really that surprising that Johnny Football didn't get the starting spot? He deserves to be sitting on the bench in a timeout, watching the Steeler fans wave their foam middle finger at him.

Even though Browns' Coach, Mike Pettine said he would "prefer to go with the more experienced player," it's clear that they just couldn't reward Manziel with a starting position after all his recent antics.

Here are six reasons why Johnny Manziel isn't the Browns' starting Quarterback:

6. Cocky Attitude

Fine, he was the first freshman to win the Heisman Trophy. Okay, he was also drafted to the San Diego Padres in the 28th round of the MLB Draft, just because the CEO felt like it... But he is yet to play in a regular season NFL game and until he shows what he can do on the field, under pressure, no one is impressed.

5. Hangs Out With The Biebs

Anyone who parties with Justin Bieber automatically deserves to be punished, I bet when Coach Pettine saw this picture of "the boys" he immediately said, "Benched."

4. Parties Too Hard

Johnny Football is notorious for his partying but he may be taking it to a new level.

3. Irresponsible

No one would care about his partying if he was at least responsible when it game to his day job. The season hasn't even started and he is already late for team meetings and making excuses for himself. Last week Manziel was late to a Browns meeting, saying he misread the change in schedule. Hey Johnny, fashionably late only works for Justin Bieber's after party not the locker room.


Related: 11 Dumb Johnny Manziel Moves As Documented By Social Media

2. Not Respected By Other Players

Just about everyone in the NFL hates Johnny Manziel and probably have worse NSFW nicknames for him than "Johnny Goofball." In a preseason game against the Washington Redskins, Manziel was sacked by Ryan Kerrigan and naturally Brian Orakpo immediately gave the rookie a taste of his own medicine throwing up his signature "money hands" in celebration. It's definitely going to be a long season for Johnny.

1. Can't Take The Heat

Sure, Johnny Football demonstrates he is physically strong, but mentally not so much and that is half the battle when it comes to professional sports. The Peanut Gallery of the Washington Redskins bench made a few comments while Manziel was on the field during Monday Night's preseason game and he just couldn't keep his composure. You don't see Mark Sanchez losing his cool when people bring up the "butt fumble" now do you?

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