10 Ways Dallas Can Regain Homefield Advantage At AT&T Stadium

DALLAS (105.3 THE FAN) -- Houston Texans fans made their way to AT&T Stadium on Sunday. So much that Cowboys quarterback Tony Romo says the team played a "road game" -- at home.

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We've come up with some solutions to get Dallas fans back to the games, and keep opposing fans out of The Home of the Cowboys.

Disclaimer: Some of these ideas are good; most are not.

1. Lower ticket prices

This seems to be the public's message to Cowboys ownership. Lower ticket prices, so the real, hardworking fans can afford to come to the games!

But this wouldn't prevent scalpers and season ticket holders from selling their tickets to the highest bidder -- it might just increase their margins.

2. Provide perfect attendance awards

It drives some 4th graders to attend class when feeling ill, so why not try it with adults? Attend every Dallas home game and get a 20-percent refund on your season tickets!

Logistically, it's a mess. But money rules.

3. Pump in fake noise

Why not? Sure, there are rules prohibiting such actions. But if you're not cheating, you're not trying. Am I right?

4. A Tony Romo ticket purchase

The idea was proposed to Romo after the game. Perhaps he could purchase a large block of tickets himself, then he could do what he pleased with them. He seemed open to it...

But would it ever happen? I'm thinking Jerry Jones might nix this embarrassing idea.

5. Pay for yay!

Mercenaries. Now we are on to something! Pay fans to cheer for the Cowboys!

Professional mourning was a practice at funerals in Mediterranean and Eastern cultures for centuries. If that's acceptable, this definitely is.

6. Ruin the TV experience

Let's be honest. Most people don't go to NFL games anymore because their couch is softer, their view is better, and the beer is cheaper at home.

So how can we ruin the TV experience and force Cowboys fans to AT&T Stadium? Short of blacking out the game, how about banning HD cameras from AT&T Stadium?

7. Fan education

There are fans that stand up and cheer loudly as their team faces a third and 15. I've seen it. (And if you have to ask, that's the wrong approach to take.)

Maybe if Dallas fans were more efficient, not more prolific, their impact would increase.

Or maybe stadium employees could just shame fans who refuse to stand...

8. Cowboys vuvuzelas!

Hell no. Next suggestion.

9. Stadium discounts and giveaways for wearing Cowboys gear

Albertsons does it, so why can't AT&T Stadium?

Fans who wear Cowboys gear receive 30 percent off all concessions (including beer), receive a free program, and can purchase additional gear at wholesale prices.

10. Stop finishing the season 8-8

Ultimately, this is the solution.

If the Cowboys win, this problem disappears. They've won one playoff game since 1997 and have finished 8-8 in the past three seasons.

Can you really blame some fans for looking to profit instead of watching an average team?

(©2014 CBS Local Media, a division of CBS Radio Inc. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.)

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