Warriors Fan Thrown From Upper Deck In Game 7 Brawl Still Critical

OAKLAND (CBS SF) -- A Warriors fan who was thrown or fell from the upper deck during a Game 7 brawl at Oracle Arena remained hospitalized in critical condition Wednesday, according to his family.

Southern California resident and father of two Salvador Bimbo underwent surgery on Wednesday for the injuries he suffered from his fall last weekend. He had traveled from Los Angeles to see the Warriors play the Cleveland Cavaliers in the NBA Finals Game 7 on Father's Day.

The victim's father Ronnie Bimbo gave him the money for the ticket.

"This is one game I said, 'Stay with me.' He came to me – 'I want to see them win,'" explained the victim's father. I gave him money and told him go."

Sal got his dream ticket and took his 12-year-old brother to the game.

Ronnie told KPIX 5 his son posted a photo of his ticket outside Oracle Arena on Instagram. He later posted video just as the game was getting started. The seats were in Section 220 of the arena's upper level.

The family told KPIX 5 a fight broke out between Warriors fans and Cavs fans just as the game ended.

Sal, who his father described as mild mannered, was caught in the middle of the melee.

Ronnie said Sal was thrown by a Cavs fan from the second-level deck over the railing 50 feet down.

Ronnie found out about his son's injuries with a phone call from the hospital. Sal suffered from a fractured skull and three broken ribs.

"He was very, very critical and I was afraid of the next word they were going to tell me," remembered Ronnie. "He has a long road ahead of him."

The father and other family members have been by Sal's side since coming up to the Bay Area. Ronnie Bimbo asked anyone who might help with the police investigation into the incident to come forward.

"If somebody out three has a video of what happened, they can call Oakland PD," said Ronnie. "And let's put a stop to this. At a 49er game, a Warriors game, at a stadium; there should be more concern for people safety."

Oakland police are continuing to investigate the incident and are viewing surveillance video taken inside Oracle Arena during the game.

Investigators also have the victim's phone and are looking at photos and video he took during the game.

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