Truckee residents preparing for days-long storm expected to drop several feet of snow

Truckee residents preparing for snow storm

People in Truckee spent much of Wednesday making sure they had all the supplies they'll need for what could be an intense, days-long storm that's forecasted to dump feet of snow starting Thursday.

With the season's first major storm just hours away, people living in the higher elevations of the Sierra are making sure they have everything they need to safely ride out the storm.

"We're chopping firewood, making sure we have shovels, making sure we have all the food we need. We're all set," said Sean Sullivan of Truckee.

Forecasters are predicting anywhere from 5 to 10 feet of snow across the mountain range starting Thursday, continuing through the weekend.

"What they said is this is the biggest three-day dump since 2020, and we were here for that weekend. It was March 13th weekend, and I remember it was just, as soon as I shoveled the deck I'd go back inside, I'd look outside and there was another foot, 2 feet. It just accumulated so fast. So it's, we'll see," said Danny Chao of Truckee.

Local hardware stores saw a steady stream of customers coming in grabbing last minute essentials. Employees said they plan on keeping the store open as long as it's safe.

"We will stay open as long as the town of Truckee or the CHP doesn't come and ask us to close. There are times and it has happened very rarely in the past where they've come and asked us, 'Hey, we want your employees to be able to make it home safe, and we want your customers to not be out in the storm if they can avoid it. Let's just, if you could close down.' And we have done that in the past," said Doug Farley, manager of Mountain Hardware & Sports.

Employees said they don't expect to have to close during this coming storm but are cautioning people to take this forecast seriously.

"We don't know what the weather or what the power is going to be like, whether we're going to run out of power, so definitely having that extra storage, of canned goods that don't go bad as well as having a way to keep the items cold in the fridge so that if you do have a power outage, you're not losing your food," said Farley.

Most people are taking this storm seriously, preparing for anything while also getting excited for the sight of fresh snow.

"It's going to be a good one, you can tell. Hopefully, everyone's safe and just stays inside and has power, if not shovel and have fun," said Patrick Hunter of Olympic Valley.

Most of the people said they feel prepared for this storm. They've bought all the supplies they can think of. Now, it's time to just hunker down and wait and see what comes.

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