Teenager arrested for threatening violence at Santa Cruz High School

PIX Now -- Tuesday morning headlines from the KPIX newsroom
PIX Now -- Tuesday morning headlines from the KPIX newsroom

SANTA CRUZ -- Police arrested a teenage boy who allegedly made online threats of violence at Santa Cruz High School, the second such threat in less than a week.

The two incidents are not related, according to a news release from Santa Cruz police.

The case mimics an incident Thursday when police received an anonymous tip of an active shooter at Santa Cruz High School . In both cases, police said an investigation found no evidence of a credible threat of violence against students.

In Monday's incident, high school staff notified police after discovering an online threat and activated a shelter-in-place order while police investigated.

The police news release reports that within 90 minutes, officers had identified and detained a juvenile male allegedly responsible for the threat.

They said the suspect is a resident of the county but was not a student at the high school.

Police said Thursday's incident remains under investigation. The high school and two nearby schools -- Mission Hill Middle School and Bayview Elementary -- were locked down Thursday as police investigated. 

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