SoCal Homeowners Spray-Painting Lawns Green To Avoid Water Fees During Drought

LOS ANGELES (CBS SF) -- Homeowners in Los Angeles are facing tough choices in keeping their lawns green during a devastating drought, pushing some far enough to spray paint them.

Business for lawn painters like Kerry McCoy is booming now that the state is sanctioning homeowners for excessive water use.

"As soon as the water sanctions hit, and as soon as people find their water bills rising, they're looking for ways to cut back on their expenses, and that's when they start calling," she said.

More: KPIX Drought Coverage

Painters color match parts of the lawn that are still green using dyes mixed with water, and sprayed onto the grass.

McCoy says the grass doesn't die completely, and when winter rains come, the lawn will turn green again on their own.

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