San Mateo County Employees Ratify New Work Contract

REDWOOD CITY (CBS SF) -- San Mateo County employees overwhelmingly ratified a new work agreement that includes pay raises, a $2,000 COVID bonus and the addition of Juneteenth as a paid holiday.

The more than 2,000 employees including 911 dispatchers, park rangers, city planners, engineers, social workers, food safety workers, healthcare workers and school counselors approved the deal Friday night by a 79% margin.

The agreement came after more than four months of negotiations.

"This new agreement will immediately impact our lives and working conditions and will begin to address some of the inequities our members have been dealing with for decades," said AFSCME 829 President Ryan Shannon.

Among the key points of the new deal include:

  • Wage increases of 3% upon ratification, another 3% increase in October of 2022 and a 4% wage increase in October 2023.
  • A new retiree healthcare benefit
  • Increased vacation accruals

San Mateo County employees had been working under an expired contract since October 2021 after both sides couldn't agree to a new contract.

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