San Francisco May Elimate Free Disabled Parking Due To Abuse Of Blue Placards

SAN FRANCISCO (KCBS) -- San Francisco is considering a major policy plan that would eliminate free parking for drivers who use disabled placards.

Abuse of the placards by able-bodied people is making it hard for handicapped drivers to find parking.

San Francisco has 28,000 street parking spaces and more than 60,000 disabled placards.

"There is a systemic issue throughout the state...we need to address to make sure medical providers only provide these placards to people who actually have disabilities," said Supervisor Scott Weiner.

San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency is working on a new policy. Supervisor Weiner said he's not too keen on charging the disabled.

"We have to be careful, because there are a lot of people with disabilities who rely on these disabled parking placards," said Weiner. "It's really their lifeline."

Disabled advocate Bob Plant supports the change. "The DMV needs to do better in educating people who get a blue placard," said Plant. "You don't loan it to your neighbor, or your son... period."

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