Pelosi Holds Town Hall Meeting, Describes Trump As 'Insecure'

SAN FRANCISCO (CBS SF) -- House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi held a town hall meeting Tuesday night after President Donald Trump announced his nomination of Neil Gorsuch for Supreme Court Justice.

Congresswoman Pelosi (D-CA) expressed her thoughts on the CNN-hosted town hall meeting, discussing topics including women's rights, the Affordable Care Act, the recent executive orders by Trump and the proposed construction of a wall with Mexico.

A press release from CNN announcing the town hall states, "...the House Democratic Leader will field questions from audience members from across the country and discuss the major issues facing the nation."

Pelosi released a statement on Gorsuch's nomination, stating, "After the relentless contempt for women that candidate Trump displayed throughout his campaign, it is no surprise that President Trump intends to place someone hostile to women's rights on the Supreme Court.  In the Hobby Lobby case, Judge Neil Gorsuch revealed his eagerness to single out women's health for discrimination and enable employers to meddle in their workers' most intimate health decisions.

At the town hall meeting, Bushra, a Yemeni refugee told her story about how her mother was unable to come to the United States this weekend due to Trump's recent executive order banning people coming in from seven predominately Muslim countries.

She asked Pelosi what could be done to stop more families from being separated.

Pelosi said the turnout at the airports over the weekend and during the week shows that Americans are fighting for refugees and immigrants to be able to continue to enter the country. She said she would continue to fight Trump's executive orders.

She said the executive orders don't make America safer, instead they exacerbate the threat of terrorism.

Regarding the issue of sanctuary cities, she said that in San Francisco, people who witness violence or crime are able to report that violence without the threat of deportation, making the community safer and encouraging undocumented immigrants to work with local law enforcement.

"We don't turn law enforcement officers into immigration officers," Pelosi said.

She said that after a meeting with Trump and Congressional leaders in which Trump reportedly claimed there were millions of people who voted illegally in the election, her reaction to it was, "I feel sorry for you. You're the President of the United States and you're so insecure..."

By Hannah Albarazi - Follow her on Twitter: @hannahalbarazi.

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