Napa community holds vigil in solidarity with Israel

Napa community comes together to stand in solidary with Israel

NAPA — The Congregation of Beth Shalom held a vigil Wednesday in Napa to stand with Israel.

Many in the Napa community came together to condemn the actions of Hamas and grieve the loss of innocent lives.

Johanna Meckel was one of many sitting in the synagogue. She was trying to hold back tears as she spoke to the crowd, sharing her story.

Meckel said, "This has been a nightmare. You wake up in the morning and feel like it's a fever dream. Like this can't be real."

Meckel said two of her family members have died and many others are on the frontlines fighting against Hamas.

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She added, "We always knew what they were capable of doing. We just never thought they would get the opportunity to do it. So, we are all in shock. I think we go through phases of just complete devastation to rage. I feel like I have anger coursing through my body."

It's tough for Meckel to be thousands of miles away from home but she's doing what she can in the U.S. She works with an organization called Stand With Us to spread information. Meckel said there is no disputing the horrific images coming out of Israel.

"This is really, really sick. How can anybody justify this. Saying from the river to the sea. Do people know what that means? You are asking for Israel to be eliminated. From the river to the sea," she said.

For the congregation, there is still a sense of disbelief and shock about what's happening to the Jewish people. Rabbi Niles Goldstein of Congregation of Beth Shalom said, "I was a Rabbi and a police chaplain in New York during 9/11. And I went down to ground zero, and I had a similar experience. It's incredible that there are still people in this world who act in such horrific ways and take innocent life."

The Jewish Community Relations Council is doing its part to provide resources and get out credible sources of information. It said now is the time for Jews and allies in the Bay Area to support Israel's safety.

Iréne Hodes with JCRC said, "What is going on is an atrocity. They are murdering children, they are kidnapping, they are desecrating bodies. Speaking out is important and calling it what it is. Terrorism and attack on the Jewish people."

An attack that many fear will impact generations to come.

Meckel said, "I have two young children and it terrifies me that this is the world they we are bringing them up in. The Jewish people will now never be the same."

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