May Day demonstrations in Oakland rally for workers rights and Palestinians

May Day rally in Oakland has demonstrators unite behind various causes

OAKLAND — May Day demonstrations flooded the streets of Oakland this afternoon, with protesters uniting behind a multitude of causes.

Monica, a member of the Arab Resource and Organizing Center, noted the diverse coalition of supporters.

"I'm glad to see people around here that aren't even Palestinian, not even Arab, from a whole different cultures and backgrounds, and yet they find something in common with the Palestinian people," Monica said.

Accompanied by dozens of other demonstrators, Monica led the march from the Federal Building to City Hall. Their message resonated with concerns about the conditions of workers worldwide, intertwined with unwavering support for the plight of Palestinians.

Monica underscored the urgency of the situation, stating, "The Palestinian Federation of labor unions called on labor unions worldwide to stand up And lift up Palestinian workers voices during this time of tragedy who are working around the clock to bury their loved ones … They are digging family members, friends, strangers out from under the rubble with their bare hands and they're doing all of this with limited food, limited rest."

David Newton, another participant in the demonstrations, emphasized the international solidarity of May Day.

"On May Day, we're showing solidarity with all laborers of the world. It's an international struggle, and Oakland is a ground zero for always putting our fist in the air. And that's what we're doing here today at city hall," Newton proclaimed.

Silvia Lopez, a housekeeper and member of Mujeres Unidas y Activas, joined the march to shed light on the challenges faced by domestic workers.

"We continue in the fight because we know that we still lack many protections as workers," Silvia asserted.

Silvia also expressed her support for the cease-fire in Gaza, echoing Monica's hopes for a positive outcome following the demonstrations.

"Everything that's been going on with the universities and the increased media coverage has given our loved ones hope back home," Monica said.

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