Martinez City Council to discuss waterfront revitalization plan on Sept. 6

PIX Now - Afternoon Edition 9/5/23

MARTINEZ — The Martinez City Council on Wednesday will discuss plans to make the waterfront a regional destination with a vibrant marina, regional recreation draws and restaurants while bracing the area for sea level rise.

Since the city hired the SWA Group in July 2022 to help develop the Waterfront Marina Trust Land Use Plan, the group has done a land use survey, interviewed stakeholders and conducted public workshops to get input on what the city's vision of the area should include.

According to a staff report for Wednesday's study session, emerging themes for the waterfront include waterfront dining, a destination area that is clean, safe and easily accessible, a connection to the downtown area, building on the area's sports and outdoor activities culture, and a waterfront that is contextual to Martinez.

The group came up with a vision statement after the first public workshop in October.

"The Waterfront Marina will be a recreational asset for the City of Martinez and a regional destination for the Contra Costa County and the East Bay," the statement said. "The waterfront is a place that draws visitors to experience an active waterfront complete with a vibrant marina, waterfront promenade and fishing pier, dining opportunities, event venues, regional recreational facilities, and other destinations surrounded by open space and trails. 

"The waterfront will be welcoming to all and a place to celebrate Martinez's connection to the water. With initial, significant capital improvements completed, the waterfront will contribute revenue to support the continued evolution and development of the site as a regional resource while acting as a resilient buffer to rising sea levels and tidal flooding."

During a second public input meeting in December, event space was discussed, and recreation emerged as a focus. Ferry service also came up as did marina operations and improvements and non-motorized small boat facilities and programs.

Three concepts were developed and discussed and a third public meeting in February 2023, including support for multiple food and beverage options with an outdoor, tree-covered seating area, a small watercraft launch area, and a cultural and events center and other environmental education opportunities.

The report said there was support for an amphitheater but that there were concerns about environmental factors at the waterfront. 

The John Muir Amphitheater near the waterfront has been the site of organized, and unorganized, encampments for unhoused people in recent years. The waterfront is also the home of the city's semi-pro baseball team the Martinez Sturgeon.

Wednesday's meeting is meant to get council input on the public review draft plan, whether it fits the city's vision for the waterfront, and whether the council has any additions to the plan.

The study session starts at 5:30 p.m. Wednesday, 90 minutes before the regular council meeting starts. The Martinez City Council meets at the city council chamber at 525 Henrietta St. in Martinez. The meeting can be viewed at

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