Bay Area workers bracing for another round of above-average temperatures

Bay Area workers expecting next wave of hot weather to impact outside work

The Bay Area could see another week of above-average temperatures, which can be hard on those who have to work outdoors.

There isn't a lot of shade when you're working in the tree-tops. Tree trimmers, like Angel Acevedo, spend their day working in the high up were there isn't any shade. He's worked for Buena Vista Tree Service out of Livermore for the past four years, and every day he goes to work, he's wearing protective gear from head to toe.

"It gets hot, but it's better than getting burned, so that's why we use all these clothes," said Acevedo.

Buena Vista owner Trex Donovan said he tries to schedule the harder jobs like taking down entire trees earlier in the morning when it's cooler, then moves crews to lighter jobs like trimming branches later in the day.

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He said if it's too hot, everyone stops work at noon.

"Everything is outdoors, and usually the first one or two days that are hot in the summer, it really kicks our butt. But then after that we kind of get used to it for the most part," said Donovan.

He said during the company's safety meetings they always talk about the need for workers to stay hydrated when spending a lot of time out in the heat.

"Mostly just have water, Gatorades, just take breaks," Acevedo told KPIX.

For the crew laying asphalt, it's especially true because they're not just dealing with the heat from the sun but also the road material which can reach temperatures above 300 degrees.

"You get used to it, you know what I mean? Look at me, I'm with a sweater with this heat," said Jesus Vivales.

For others, staying cool is only a few minutes away with a quick trip to Meadowlark Dairy in Pleasanton for a huge cone of soft serve.

"This is for the daughter at home, and this is for the daughter right here. And I get a little bit of both. It beats the heat and lifts the mood. Just something to look forward to," said Jess Hall.

The city of Pleasanton has not announced plans to open cooling centers this week, but did tell residents they were welcome to go to the senior center or library to take a break in the air conditioning.

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