Update: Yosemite extends park closure into at least next Thursday

PIX Now -- Friday afternoon headlines from the KPIX newsroom

YOSEMITE - Yosemite National Park is extending their closure through at least next Thursday, according to park officials.

Snow in Yosemite National Park Yosemite National Park

The park has dealing with extreme snow for weeks. While it means some rare scenery, it also means more danger, and more difficulty running the park.

According to a post by the national park's official Twitter account, a partial reopening on March 17 is "a best-case scenario." In the same post, the park also said they will be providing an update late next week.

The park also noted that the Tuolomne Meadows winter rangers were alive and well despite dealing with 133 inches of new snow since February 21.

Officials shut down the park indefinitely due to severe winter conditions on March 1 . It has not been open since then.

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