Vaccination Rates Slow Down Across Counties; How Does That Affect Reopening?

SACRAMENTO (CBS13) - Demand for the COVID-19 vaccine is beginning to slow across California. In our area, some aren't showing for second doses and others say they don't want the vaccine at all.

"I do not plan on getting it unless I am forced," said Liz Franco, who doesn't want any version of the vaccine.

Others, like Kristina, told CBS13 they're thankful to receive it.

"We're all in this together," she said.

No matter the side, both hope their decisions don't impact reopening in June.

"Just getting somewhat back to normalcy will be exciting," said Kristina.

Franco echoed the same sentiments, "I'm hoping we do get to open up and get back some kind of normalcy."

As demand for the shot slows, hesitancy remains. In Yuba County, the number of people who haven't shown for their second dose at the bi-county weekly clinic has increased each week. Though, it's possible people could be getting their second shot elsewhere.

In Sacramento, the county says they're still dealing with decent demand. In Yolo County, they're working on ways to vaccinate what's left to reach herd immunity. Roughly 60% of the county has received a dose.

"The last 15%-20% is really where the efforts need to be right now," said Jenny Tan, the Yolo County Public Information Officer.

She said the county is focused on bringing vaccines to people, whether it's the younger high school demographic, or meeting people with clinics at the supermarket.

CBS13 wanted to know, though, if counties don't make up their percentages, could the county choose to implement more restrictions than the state come June 15? Tan says they could if transmission increases.

"We could choose to be more strict and put more restrictions in place," Tan said.

But it's not in the plans right now. Other counties said they'll have to wait and see, but it remains unlikely.

With vaccines and prior COVID infections, infectious disease expert Dr. Jeffrey Klausner says we're on our way to herd immunity.

"If you combine those two, we have high levels of immunity in many populations," Dr. Klausner said.

Dr. Klausner also said the number one problem, aside from hesitancy, is access. Most counties and sites are working on closing their mass-vaccination areas and transitioning to smaller-scale events.

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