Unlawful Camping Ordinance On Elk Grove City Council Agenda For Wednesday

ELK GROVE (CBS13) — An unlawful camping ordinance will be considered by the Elk Grove City Council on Wednesday.

The ordinance outlines guidance for people who live unhoused within city limits as a way to "improve public health and safety," according to the ordinance document attached to the agenda.

When it comes to public property, the ordinance outlines guidance for camping areas and encampments, which are determined to be as four or more people camping within 50 feet of each other without permitted electrical, water, and bathroom facilities.

Those guidelines prohibit camping within 500 feet of the grounds of any daycare center, school, playground, or youth center. Camping is also prohibited in a space that is greater than 150 square feet per person.

Encampments are prohibited and camping areas would be required to be kept clean and garbage, debris, and waste would not be allowed.

Locks to public facilities cannot be damaged and public areas, like sidewalks, cannot be blocked as outlined by the ordinance.

"Homelessness is not an issue, homeless are a group of people," said Elk Grove City Councilmember Pat Hume.

He explained the ordinance is the city's way to keep those who live unhoused, as well as the greater public, safe from health and safety hazards that may stem from encampments or camping areas.

There are currently approximately 150 unsheltered persons experiencing homelessness within Elk Grove city limits, according to the ordinance document.

Elk Grove City Council will meet Wednesday.

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